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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Researcher to Unveil Universal Attack Code for Intel Chips

Security Researcher and Author Kris Kaspersky claims to have found a flaw in Intel's processors that may allow hacker to gain full control on the kernel level remotly or just crash the system using JavaScript or TCP/IP packets, regardless of what operating system the computer is running.

He is going to demonstrate how such an attack can be made in a presentation at the upcoming Hack In The Box (HITB) Security Conference in Kuala Lampur, Malasia, during October. The proof-of-concept attacks will show how processor bugs, called errata, can be exploited using certain instruction sequences and a knowledge of how Java compilers work, allowing an attacker to take control of the compiler. Further he said, He is going to show real working of code and make it publicly available.

The attack takes advantage of known errata in chips, which most vendors have a workaround for in BIOS, but not all. XP, Vista, Linux, BSD and Mac operating systems are all vulnerable. [InfoWorld via engadget]

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