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Monday, January 28, 2008

Print Screens Without the Paper - Iterasi

iterasi Iterasi is a new company which is building a web-based tool that you can use to "Notarize" and save an exact replica of any web page you're looking at, dynamic content included.

We can call it as a bookmarking tool which lets you take snapshot of a website in its native format. Iterasi is a great tool for things like saving online receipts or quickly capturing the contents of a webpage.

You can also schedule automatic capture of a page at regular intervals. This will let you track all the activities of a website, even you can create a time-lapse video using these captured screenshots. The best example of this is Time-Lapse video of Techmeme.

Iterasi will launch as a private beta within 30 days with a plug-in for IE 7 and Firefox for Windows, for Mac version it will be available later. Running in your browsers toolbar, it will suggest tags from your collection as well as page content for easy retrieval, which can be done from either the toolbar or the Iterasi site. You can share the items both inside and outside of the Iterasi system.

Go Sign Up to get early access as soon as Iterasi is available. To know more about Iterasi watch this demo video.

[via profy]

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